Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 2/2025
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 1/2025
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 12/2024
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 11/2024 CZ
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 10/2024 CZ
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 09/2024 (CZ)
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2024 CZ
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 5/2024 CZ
Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
We are reminding you about the next seminar, From Chemical Reactions to Quantum Computing: The Versatility of ESR, by Vinicius Tadeu Santana (CEITEC VUT). WHEN: Friday, 7 March, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Events of the Week 10–17 March
Mar 11 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Chromosome Engineering in Arabidopsis Thaliana SPEAKER: Michelle Rönspies WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:30–15:30 Mar 13 Thu Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Investigation of Deep Learning Approaches to Detection and Segmentation of Cereal Grain Spikes in Greenhouse and Field Images SPEAKER: Sajid Ullah WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 & Online WHEN: 09:30–11:30 Mar 13 Thu Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Computational Study of Nanoparticle Induced Membrane Fusion and Peptide Selectivity SPEAKER: Sofia Blasco Puyuelo WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 & Online WHEN: 14:00–16:00 Mar 13 Thu Botanical Seminar Series TOPIC: Late Glacial Palaeoenvironmental Changes Inferred from the Deposits of Two Neighbouring Landslide Fens, Kotoń and Klaklowo, the Outer Western Carpathians SPEAKER: Jolanta Pilch WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 114 & Online WHEN: 16:00 Mar 13 Thu 5. narozeniny MUNI POMÁHÁ WHERE: Various Locations WHEN: 16:00–19:00 Mar 13 Thu Mendel Lecture TOPIC: Illuminating the Beginning of Life SPEAKER: Melina Schuh WHERE: Brno, Mendlovo náměstí 907/1a, Mendel Museum, Augustian Abbey Refectory WHEN: 17:00 Mar 14 Fri Brain Awareness Week at CEITEC MU WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 10:00–18:00 Mar 14 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Seed Development Under Warm Temperature SPEAKER: Helene Robert Boisivon WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Mar 15 Sat Ball of the MU Faculty of Science WHERE: Brno, Palackého třída 126, KC Semilasso WHEN: 19:00 Save the Date: * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dynamics of Brain Functions, 27 March * The Quest for High-Yielding, Eco-Friendly and Climate-Resilient Crops, 27 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Anniversary Neuroscience Conference, 27–28 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June * MILESTONE International Conference, 21–23 July
Events of the Week 3–10 March
Mar 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: The RNA Polymerase II C-terminal Domain: Condensation and Interaction Hub in Transcription SPEAKER: Kateřina Linhartová WHERE: University Campus, Building C04, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 13:00–14:30 Mar 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Structural and Functional Characterization of the Interaction Between RNA Polymerase II and the BRCA1-BARD1 Complex SPEAKER: Veronika Klápšťová WHERE: University Campus, Building C04, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 14:30–16:00 Mar 4 Tue Research Breakfast Tomáš Kašpárek interviews Dáša Bohačiaková & Mário Kandra WHERE: University Campus, Building B09, University Campus Library WHEN: 08:00–09:00 Mar 4 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Aberrant Astrocytic and Microglial Activation in Adar/Mavs Double Mutants Is Rescued by Removing Pkr SPEAKER: Valentina Lacovich Strašil WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 09:30–10:30 Mar 5–6 Wed–Thu Masarykovy dny WHERE: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Památník T. G. Masaryka & Room 343 Feb 5 Wed Sip of Science TOPIC: Uncovering Brain Functions with MRI SPEAKER: Martin Gajdoš WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 15:30–17:30 Feb 5 Wed Spark Europe Webinar Series TOPIC: Design Thinking: Creating Solutions in Life-Science SPEAKER: Craig Garner WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00–17:00 Mar 6 Thu NCBR & Structural Biology Seminar Series TOPIC: Modulation of FGF Receptor Activity by DNA Aptamers SPEAKER: Vladimíra Zlínská WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Mar 6 Thu Macroecology of Plant Invasions SPEAKER: Marten Winter WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 114 WHEN: 16:00 Mar 7 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: From Chemical Reactions to Quantum Computing: The Versatility of ESR SPEAKER: Vinicius Tadeu Santana WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Mar 7 Fri Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Computational Tools for Measuring RNA Decay Dynamics Using Nanopore Sequencing SPEAKER: Vlastimil Martinek WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 14:00–16:00 Save the Date: * 5. narozeniny MUNI POMÁHÁ, 13 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Týden mozku na CEITEC MU, 14 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dynamics of Brain Functions, 27 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Anniversary Neuroscience Conference, 27–28 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June * MILESTONE International Conference, 21–23 July
CANCELLED: Principal Investigator Seminar 28. 2. 2025
Please be informed that the Principal Investigator Seminar is cancelled this week due to illness. The next lecture will take place on March 7. Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Events of the Week 24 Febuary – 3 March
Feb 25 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Analyzing Human Genomes: New Projects at Our Department SPEAKER: Hana Svozilová WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 09:30–10:30 Feb 27–28 Thu–Fri EMBO Research Integrity Workshop WHERE: University Campus, Building E35/211 & Atrium Feb 27 Thu NCBR & Structural Biology Seminar Series TOPIC: Dynamic Recognition of Nucleic Acids by Proteins and the Role of Partial-disorder SPEAKER: Miroslav Krepl WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:30 Feb 28 Fri Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Long-term High Temperatures Affect Seed Maturation and Seed Coat Integrity in Brassica Napus SPEAKER: Unnikannan Prabhullachandran WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 WHEN: 09:30–11:00 Feb 28 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: From Chemical Reactions to Quantum Computing: The Versatility of ESR SPEAKER: Vinicius Tadeu Santana WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Mar 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: The RNA Polymerase II C-terminal Domain: Condensation and Interaction Hub in Transcription SPEAKER: Kateřina Linhartová WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 13:00–14:30 Mar 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Structural and Functional Characterization of the Interaction Between RNA Polymerase II and the BRCA1-BARD1 Complex SPEAKER: Veronika Klápšťová WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 14:30–16:00 Nominate a Speaker for MUNI Life Sciences Seminar HERE. Save the Date: * Masarykovy dny, 5–6 March * 5. narozeniny MUNI POMÁHÁ, 13 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Týden mozku na CEITEC MU, 14 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
The Principal Investigator Seminars have started. Everyone is welcome! We are reminding you about the next seminar, Omics Data Infrastructure – Building the Foundation for Integrated Biological Research, by Vojtěch Bystrý (CEITEC MUNI). WHEN: Friday, 21 February, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Events of the Week 17–24 February
Feb 18 Tue Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00 Feb 19 Wed Label-free Biosensing Workshop: Demonstration of Biosensing Instrumentation inQuiQ WHERE: University Campus, Building E35/145 & Building C04/218 WHEN: 12:30 Feb 19 Wed Sip of Science: TOPIC: Cytokinins - The Unsung Heroes of Plant Growth and Survival SPEAKER: Jan Skalák WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 15:30–17:30 Feb 20 Thu Botanical Seminar Series: TOPIC: Flora and Vegetation Types of High Mountains of the Iranian Plateau SPEAKER: Jalil Noroozi WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 114 & Online WHEN: 16:00 Feb 20 Thu Spolkové čtvrtky: TOPIC: Spíte špatně? Spěte sladce! SPEAKER: Tomáš Baránek WHERE: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Room 200 WHEN: 18:00 –19:40 Feb 21 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Omics Data Infrastructure – Building the Foundation for Integrated Biological Research SPEAKER: Vojtěch Bystrý WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Nominate a Speaker for MUNI Life Sciences Seminar HERE. Save the Date: * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Masarykovy dny, 5–6 March * Týden mozku na CEITEC MU, 14 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Events of the Week 10–17 February
Feb 1–27 Práh jižní Morava – 25 let na cestě k duševnímu zdraví WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden Feb 1–27 Skleněnky WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden Feb 13 Thu Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Innovative Approaches in Biochemistry and Structural Biology: From Biomolecule Interactions to Understanding Disease Pathogenesis SPEAKER: Tomáš Brom WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 WHEN: 10:00 Feb 13–14 Thu–Fri Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2025 WHERE: Brno, Lipová 41a, MU Faculty of Economics and Administration Feb 14 Fri Valentýnská noc v botanické zahradě WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden WHEN: 16:30–21:00 Nominate a Speaker for MUNI Life Sciences Seminar HERE. Save the Date: * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February * Label-free Biosensing Workshop: Demonstration of Biosensing Instrumentation inQuiQ, 19 February * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Týden mozku, 10–16 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June